Refinance Refinance Application "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% Name* Email* PhoneWho is currently on title? Are we adding or removing anyone on or off the title? Who will be on the mortgageFull legal names as they appear on your government issued ID. What is your relationship to each other? Occupation for each of the above Place of Occupation (Name of your employer) What are you telephone numbers and/or email addresses? What is your SIN number? Birthdates for each of the above and COUNTRY of birth If this is a strata, do you have the name of the strata management company (or do you have a current Strata Form B Information Certificate) If it is a house (not a strata or a duplex), who is your house/fire insurance broker. Who is your mortgage broker or contactCan I have the email and telephone number? Which bank have you chosen to obtain this new mortgage? Which bank is the old mortgage with (reference number would be great – if not you can send a me a copy of the annual mortgage statement) If we have to pay for debts, please email me the statements. They do not have to be current but they must show the full account number in order for the payments to be processed accurately. Please bring this to the appointment or scan to us ahead of time. Who referred you? When we meet, I will need to see the original of your two pieces of government issued ID such as passport, PR Card, Citizenship Card, driver’s licence, Care Card and Void Cheque. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.